Social media was all astir with all the details of
the 8-member climb to Rattlesnake Arches on Sunday, July 14, 2019.
Rattlesnake Arches is located in the Blackridge Canyon Wilderness near Grand Junction, Colorado.
Posted July 15, 2019 by Julia Nielsen-Wallace, who organized the hike:
” [Here are] pics from our amazing hike to Rattlesnake Arches! We unfurled banners for Protect Every Child! This a such a wonderful cause and many thanks to all those that participated! Sam Young, Jake Wilson, Elainna Dawes, Benjamin Ukoh-eke and Melanie Gruwell Pitcher.

Posted July 15, 2019 by Sam Young:
“Unfurling banners at Rattlesnake Arches. It was gorgeous even in 105 degree beating sunshine.
Kudos to Julia Nielsen-Wallace for arranging and hosting our climb. Thanks to all 8 of the intrepid child protection advocates who trekked with us.
This weekend, a plethora of banners were unfurled on many mountains across the country. Thank you. Please continue climbing and saving children. On July 24, we commence our series of 10 hikes in Utah. The schedule will be posted soon.
Don’t forget to schedule October 5, 2019 on your calendar. Be one of 5,000 advocates who shout the message to the world that NOW is the time to stop child sex abuse.”

Posted July 15, 2019 by Brandelyn McKenna:
“Protect Every Child… A cause I have supported from the beginning… What an honor it was so meet Sam Young this weekend. This great man has spearheaded the campaign to keep children safe from sexual abuse… I honor his story, his journey, and his efforts…
Thank you to Julia Nielsen-Wallace for organizing this hike! Where we raised the Protect Every Child flag/banners! It was an honor to trek through the 105 degree heat and share and laugh and sweat and talk and connect with all of you!!!
I love each of you and I am so grateful for the friendships that were made this weekend!!! 🥰 “
The Rattlesnake of Protect Every Child Arches and Warns the World:
Don’t Tread On The Rights of Children!

Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
Video disclaimer: This is NOT a political statement. The John Adams Theme song was posted to:
- Illustrate the historic American use of BANNERS
- INSPIRE listeners with the awesome fighting spirit of this theme song
- Teach or remind everyone about Benjamin Franklin’s historical symbolic use of the RATTLESNAKE

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