Dr. Mark and Colette Malan wrote to Sam Young on Saturday, September 28, 2019:
Our Protect Every Child banner has been unfurled atop the Mountain of Shame. Upon your invitation to institutions that have power to help a child, Malan Relationship Health Clinic took up our banner to “Climb a Mountain and Save a Child.” Our clinic specializes in helping survivors and educating the public in the prevention of overt and covert sexual abuse. Here in Utah there exists a gigantic mountain of psychosexual shame which we climb daily with those who have been harmed. In this photo I have unfurled our banner atop one of our patient chairs in my office which sits at the summit of one of the highest peaks of the Mountain of Shame, where hundreds of deeply wounded souls have done their personal work to recover their lives from sexual shame and abuse. It is a sacred space. The happy news is that recovery from shame and sexual abuse is possible and many, many beautiful and precious souls have built more peaceful and functional lives and marriages through their sexual recovery work. Colette and I look forward to marching with everyone to Protect Every Child in Salt Lake City. Thank you for building such an essential organization and to call for reforms to protect every child from abuse.
With much love, Dr Mark & Colette Malan

Photo taken on September 27, 2019 atop the Mountain of Shame at Malan Relationship Health Clinic in Ogden, Utah
Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
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