In southwestern Colorado, USA at Lizard Head, “a mountain summit in the San Miguel Mountains range of the Rocky Mountains”,
Six members of the Jared and Gwen Lusk Family, including their daughters Madison and Taylor.
Posted by Jared Lusk on Facebook: “We had a great hike today. Got to the top and the views were amazing and the people were even more amazing! The flag is to help bring awareness to Sam Young and Protect The Children. If you haven’t already, I would encourage you to go to protecteverychild.com and see what it’s all about. We love the Colorado mountains❤❤❤”

On Thursday, June 30, 2019 Jared Lusk was disfellowshipped by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to Mormon Stories, Jared’s sins included:
1) Losing his Mormon faith after reading the Mormon church’s own Gospel Topics essays, which discussed topics such as :
- discrepancies in the multiple accounts of Joseph Smith’s first vision,
- Joseph Smith’s polygamy and polyandry,
- concerns about the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham, etc.
2) Writing publicly about his loss of faith on Facebook, and
3) Supporting Mormon Bishop Sam Young’s efforts to protect Mormon children from sexual abuse.”
Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
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