At 19,341 feet high, Kilimanjaro is the tallest freestanding mountain in the world.
“On June 5, 2019, four men reached the summit of Kilimanjaro with a common purpose: To call for universal protections for every child against overt and covert sexual abuse. This supremely important message was consecrated with a prayer, the text of which is shown below.
This was the hardest physical thing that I, Sam Young, have ever done. For six straight days, we hiked long hours to reach the launching point of the final ascent. It began at midnight and took eight-and-a-half hours of non-stop, seemingly vertical plodding to reach Uhuru Peak. We dubbed it “the death march”.
The climb was difficult. My sore legs will completely recover. But the children who are sexually abused will live with the consequences for decades. Please join me in doing what is in our power to stop the horrors.

Prayer for Children—Written by Gina Colvin
(Read by Sam Young at the summit of Kilimanjaro)
Mother, Father God, upon whose majestic ancestor mountain we stand, we bring before you our concerns for the children of this world and the unduly dangerous roads that many will innocently cross today.
We ask a blessing of care over them.
We call to mind their bodies and the terrible vulnerability of our young people;
May governments, institutions, communities and families guard these tender children’s bodies well. May their bodies be furnished with every good and lovely grace of protection and care, so that they might grow straight and strong, unencumbered by the traces of evil left upon them by the hand of avarice or neglect.
We bear in mind the spirits and souls of our children:
May all of those in positions of guardianship and care, nurture with great gentleness the Divinity and sparkle of God within, that is each child’s birthright.
We ask a blessing upon the minds of our precious youth;
May their teachers and guides be well formed and wholesome in their own thoughts and ideas, so that all children are protected from ignorance, impoverished intellects and tyrannical ideologies that put them out of step with their true identities and belonging.
We ask a blessing on the hearts of our little ones;
May our children be made free to feel joy, and compassion, wonder and peace at all of your creation. May they encounter their inevitable suffering with clear minds so that they are well positioned to transform their suffering into wisdom.
And finally, we ask a blessing upon the children and adults who have been harmed by abuse, war, neglect and poverty.
Bless their broken hearts and bodies to find kindness, generosity and healing.
And may they find deep assurances from the Source of all Compassion that they are, each of them, the Beloved.
In the name of the Creator, Pain Bearer and Breath of Life.
Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
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