Today a family ascended Table Rock, near Boise, Idaho for Protect Every Child
and shared their story with us:
This is my old color guard flag. I’ve had it for 16 years. It is worn, well used, and a little tattered. To me, it’s an important part of my past, and I could think of no better use for my old flag than to promote to give our children a better future.
Today we did a hike to raise awareness to protect children from sexual abuse. We hiked to Table Rock near Boise, Idaho. Our GPS actually took us all the way to the top, so we hiked part of the way down and hiked back up again! On our way up, we meet a couple of hikers with their children, who asked about our flag, and after I told them a little about it, they asked to take a picture of it, and if they could share it on social media. So share it around. Raise awareness. This abuse must end!
Protect Every Child’s Reaction
by admin, Katie Moore
This submission actually kinda took my breath away. Table Rock? Sacrifice of a Lion-themed Color Guard banner? I don’t know if the lions were original or added with the text, but to receive all this heavy symbolism in our first official #FallColorTour submission? You just can’t make this stuff up.
We don’t know this family and this family only knows of us through media and news reports. Yet here, flying in from left field, at the hands of friends we haven’t personally met yet, comes this “coincidence.” Or is it, rather, the precise and self-confident show of the grace of a Providence that can do it’s own work through the lives, minds and hearts of whomever it will.
For you see, yesterday I felt like I needed to look for lion pictures that reminded me of Sam. With everything else on my plate, there was that nagging feeling. So I looked, all over the place, for lion pictures to quiet that little voice. Suddenly uses and needs for these images are happening all the time. They were needed and used in this post.
Was it also just coincidence that this week I stumbled across an article I’d never seen before? It was a reflective post written by Jonathan Streeter. Was it coincidence that – knowing nothing about any of this – our submitting family just happened to decide to climb to Table Rock today and immediately submit their picture and story? Today, September 15, 2019, is exactly a week and a year to the day when a Certain Lion named Sam Young was excommunicated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Originally posted Sunday, September 8, 2018
by Jonathan Streeter, of Thoughts on Things and Stuff
In the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – There is a scene in which Aslan the Lion, a figure which represents goodness and love as a Christian model, is bound and sacrificed by those under the command of Jadis the White Witch.
Despite adorning herself in whiteness, a color usually associated with goodness and purity, Jadis the Witch was bent on domination without regard to truth or love. Any individual who would turn against her will or command became her enemy.
The White Witch believed that by binding Aslan so that he could neither speak nor lead – she would have dominion over what he represented. The ritual employed to effect the sacrifice of Aslan on the stone table followed precise procedure and was carried out in just the proper forms reserved for such an act.
But there was a deeper magic or truth which Jadis was not aware. Her act of violence wrought upon the lion was her undoing as the power of light and truth unleashed by her violence woke up the world. Aslan did not die, as she had hoped. The cold darkness retreated before the light.
Something else remarkable happened… There were statues in the kingdom of the White Witch: the frozen forms of those who had attempted to stand for truth before but were frozen by her will – turned to stone and powerless.
After the sacrifice of the lion, these statues were raised from their slumber, reclaimed their will and their spirit and were empowered to join the fight for right.
Fun Story.
Sam Young’s disciplinary hearing is today. Many people have been frozen and silent out of fear of the consequences of speaking out contrary to “church policy.”
The authorities preparing to hold a hearing on Sam Young do so with the idea that by ripping out his membership and good standing in the church – his influence will die and his voice will lose its power – that the principles of child protection he is championing will fade from the minds of the saints…
Let’s see how that works out.
Yes, let’s see how that works out:
The color guard that our supporter family flew didn’t have one lion on it.
Thank you, everyone, for joining our pride.
Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.

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