On Sunday, August 25th, Dawn Faber Unfurled Her Banner At Mirror Lake, Utah
“We plan to join in the Children’s March on October 5th with this banner. I am training to make it all the way through the march, and this hike was perfect for my ability. We chose Mirror Lake because of the altitude and our many snowmobile trips there in the winter with our kids (who are now adults).
An LDS relative formally flagged my status update, when I originally shared about our hike and our plans to join the Protect Every Child Children’s March. Facebook pulled down my post, warning me that if I continue to post ‘offensive’ posts, I could be banned from Facebook.
So I’m thrilled to be included on your site. Praying for you all each day.”

Protect Every Child Commentary:
Is this what it has boiled down to, Mormons? A case of dueling flags? As the old hymn says, “our ensign to the world is proudly waving now… who’s on the Lord’s side, who?” The very same Lord who spoke of millstones and depths of the sea is watching us now. If the message, Protect Every Child, causes such offense, to evoke such opposition, we ask it fearlessly: what, pray tell, is on your banner? Certainly, it cannot be the opposite message, can it?
Do Not Protect Every Child?
Protect Every Predator?
Protect The Curse of Child Sexual Abuse?
Protect The Church And Not The Children?
Protect Every Predator To Protect The Church?
Protect The Profits? Oops, (sp) Protect The Prophets?
Look hard – very hard – into that mirror of yours.
There is no curse or evil spell that’s worse than one we give ourselves.
There is no sorcerer as cruel as the proud, angry fool…
The power that would break the spell, we should know very well,
is locked within ourselves.
Yet we’d rather blame and curse our fate than change.
We run from everyone to hide from all the pain, and the shame [and the legal liability]…
Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
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