A Facebook Message sent Friday, September 13, 2019 from one childhood friend to another
“So, Krista, I am actually writing today to ask you another favor. I’m inviting you, personally, to read Sam Young’s post and consider participating, like I will be, in the #FallColorTour to #ProtectEveryChild.
Krista, I know you live too far away to march in Salt Lake City, but… you know something of my abuse history and I know something of yours. I think we share a common passion for protecting children from INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE. I ask you to join me in taking a public stand against child abuse and against inadequate institutional safety policies which facilitate that abuse, wherever those policies may still be found.
Specifically… could you, would you, Krista, take a picture for me with a homemade sign or banner that says Protect Every Child in front of the *Naomi Davis Shelterhouse? I’d do it myself, but I live too far away.
I think you already know that I am one of the admins for the Protect Every Child Facebook page… So, yes, this is personal… and I”ll probably never shut up about it . So thanks for putting up with me
Your old friend, Katie”
*The Naomi Davis Shelterhouse in Branch County, Michigan is where Katie and her children lived in safety after they fled from the LDS ecclesiastical abuser she’d reluctantly married. They lived there from November 2001, throughout the divorce and for over a year afterward until May 2004.
A Facebook Message sent Saturday, September 21, 2019 from one childhood friend to another
Protect Every Child’s Reaction:
I have known Krista Brainard Thorne since we were in grade school. Krista’s affirmative response to my request for support of the cause to Protect Every Child has touched me deeply. She chose to go to the place I requested of her, and it looks so beautiful! With the care that only comes from taking time, Krista cared enough about the cause to Protect Every Child to make her beautiful homemade banner. Most especially, my old friend made the choice, just as I have in my banner unfurlings, to include her daughter in the pictures. Krista, this means all the world to me. From one sheltering Mama Bear to another, thank you so much, my dear friend! ~admin Katie Moore.
Your friend’s unfurling is outstanding! ~ Sam Young
Krista’s Response:
You’re welcome! I’m so happy to stand with you to protect every child. I love you, my friend!!

Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
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