On Friday, May 24, 2019, Sam Young wrote,
At Salt Lake City Airport when I climbing stairs before the flight back to Houston, someone stopped to ask, “Are you with a group?”
I answered, “Yes. Our group numbers in the tens of thousands. We are out to protect every child from sexual abuse in religious institutions.”
An informative discussion proceeded from there.
Starting tomorrow, until October 5th, I’ve decided to wear a Protect Every Child cape everywhere I go.
Whether it be work or play or even a visit to the Mormon church.

On Saturday, May 25th, Sam wrote,
“Awaiting flight from Houston to Amsterdam.
Until October 5, my faithful cape will follow me everywhere where I go.
Please sign and share the petition.
Then climb a mountain, a hill or driveway and save a child. “

On Sunday, May 26th, Sam wrote,
“Protect Every Child has landed in Amsterdam.
Had my first conversation about the meaning of my cape. His comment: ‘It’s horrifying what’s happening to children. Best wishes on you climb.’
Climb a mountain. Unfurl a banner. Save a child.”

On Thursday, June 20th, 2019, Sam wrote
Headed to the Houston airport. Then to SLC to attend the premier of no Crime in Sin.
Two of my grown daughters happened to be at the house when my wife took this picture. I asked, “Is this just silly?”
DAUGHTER: No dad, it’s awesome. It takes courage to wear a cape. Awareness will be raised and discussions will start.
PATTY: I think it’s great and not as embarrassing as some things you’ve done.
ME: Like what?
PATTY: When you stripped st temple square and washed yourself on camera.
I thought, “Oh yeah. I was figuratively washing myself of the filthy practices that my church condoned behind closed doors with children. And they still condone the nasty sexual probing that has harmed thousands upon thousands of kids. Yeah I’ll wear a damn cape if it has a chance of saving another child from overt or covert abuse.”

On Saturday, July 13, Sam wrote
From the hospital bed of yesterday, I’m off to Grand Junction today.
Tomorrow a group of us will be hiking the Rattlesnake Arches trail to save a child from sex abuse. Unfurling banners to raise awareness.
Last night I received more anecdotal evidence that things are shifting in the Mormon
In Church in favor of the children!!! I plan to write it up in the plane today.

On July 13, 2019 Sam wrote:
Denver airport.
Woman asked meaning of the “cape.” I explained. She, along with others listening in, gave big thumbs up and then she took this pic.
Next stop: Grand Junction.

On July 13, Sam wrote
On the ground in Grand Junction awaiting my bag.
Meet and greet at 6pm tonight.
Rattlesnake Arches tomorrow. If you are anywhere near by, I hope you join us.

On Tuesday, July 23, Sam wrote,
“A 66 year old man, in his suit coat, tropical shirt, khaki shorts and Kilimanjaro cape is heading off to 11 summits in 11 days.
Silly? To many, yes.
What I now know is that the heart of at least one survivor will be buoyed up. The eyes of at least one years-ago-victim will tear over with appreciation.
My great hope is that one more person will be moved to protect one more child.

On Sunday, July 28, Elizabeth Nelson wrote
Protect Every Child press conference. This is my Father, the hero! He has always stood up for the marginalized. He is the best example of love and light!

This was second summer in a row where our caped crusader conducted those Templeside Chats!
As part of our Climb A Mountain, Save A Child campaign, Sam came to the Wasatch Front; climbing up mountains and then chatting down in the valley by the temple, wearing his cape all the way!

Sign the new Petition:
Climb a mountain, hilltop or driveway. Unfurl a banner and share it.
Come to the March for the Children on October 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City.
If we have 5,000 marchers, the national media will be all over it.
Institutions will be warned. Huge awareness will be raised.
Children will be protected. Past victims will take solace.
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